ENERGETIX Magnetic Jewelry & Wellness

Welcome to the exciting world of magnetism and wellness!

ENERGETIX, sofisticated jewelry combined with the natural energy of magnets.

MAGNOTHERAPY is a natural system used to relieve pain and also helps with different types of medical conditions. Used to have more energy and improve sleep. This therapy is safe, affordable and easy to use.

Vitalized Water!

Vitalized water can help: disolve renal calculus, balance PH, improve taste, eliminatye toxins like uric acid, urinary and digestive problems, improve immune system, lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels. It's also excellent for plants, helps them grow healthy.

Our most popular items

Magnet Strip
Magnet Strip & Magnet Heart can be worn day and night on any part of the body.

Magnet Heart


People with pacemakers, insulin bombs,with another electronic devices, or pregnant women should not wear magnetic jewelry. But everybody can benefit from drinking vitalized water!